Thursday, September 15, 2011


I recently started working on a new side production. I had no clue how I would do what I wanted to do, so I grabbed a pair of scissors, pulled out a "mending kit" I got from staying at a hotel in Napa, and began to work.

Let it be known, I did NOT know how to sew. The only training I got was watching a YouTube video on how to sew, and it sort of made me feel like an old lady. An old lady with super sharp eyes and finger coordination. If you can believe it, sewing is hard! Especially when you're not using a machine.

Alas, my production was starting to become produced, and I was brave enough to actually let people see it. A good friend of mine, Caroline, received one of the first designs. Did she know what to do with it? Probably not, but the recipient was happy, especially when she noticed the small signature... An EMOTICON    :D

Sort of sums it up on how I felt finishing it, representing the first letter of my name, and representing Design.

:D by Davidson.

....Business is open :D